alhamdulillahilladzi bi ni'matihi tatimmush sholihaat. Segala puji bagi Allah yang dengan nikmat-Nya segala kebaikan menjadi sempurna.
Segala puji hanya milik Allah Azza wa Jalla, Tuhan seru sekalian alam. Shalawat dan salam semoga dilimpahkan-Nya kepada junjungan kita, baginda Rasulullah Shalallahu alaihi wassalam beserta ahlul bait-nya, para shahabat Salaffus Shalih, para tabi'in, tabi'ut tabi'in serta seluruh umat Islam yang setia dan menegakkan ajaran-risalah sunnah beliau hingga akhir zaman.
Once I had one domain that
Previous Domain was expired on March 2014 and not continue anymore. So I moved all contents here.
Btw, you can call me Nizma for short,
Used to be an Internet-freak of many socmed, once I had almost ten pages of google search result if you type my name, now slowly but sure deleting my socmed accounts one by one hopefully will cause the less google result of my pictures (I don't want anyone to see my selfie image :D), now you can barely see my faces around the net.
Most major decision I had was when I permanently deleted in October 2015 my 7 years old first Facebook account created in 2007.
I decided to start my hijrah journey back in the end of 2012 , and still going on hopefully istiqomah until forever....insyaAllah
now obsessive to Islam and Sunnah knowledge, currently owner of my Hijab Online & Offline Shops, An-Isya Butik
Used to be a Gadget-freak, seneng ngoprek, now just an apple lover.
Love to blogging, try consistently to write all about my kids' journey (locked blog), a legacy for their future in syaa Allah
Please visit my other blog, it's where I keep my Dakwah from many sources safe, and to share it with all of you my sisters and brothers in Deen. Hopefully we will meet in Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala 's Jannatul Firdaus, aamiin.
Where I Lived? Currently living peacefuly at Cirebon, Jawa Barat. The (small) City that I'm fall in love bigger each day. This city suites my introvert-plegmatis-melancoly personality.
Every now and then I go to Jakarta or Balikpapan
Where to chat me? just leave your comments around this blog
Wassalamu'alaikum Warrohmatullohi Wabbarokatuh
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